So I've been feeling a little witchy lately. More than usual I'd say. I've been very heavy into my own personal BoS and working on the spells within it. But I've also been itching to take photographs! Lots and lots of photographs! I feel like my camera gets no use anymore. I'm very artistic and I need that creative output to help release tension or emotions and I've been fighting off extreme waves of negativity in my life. I mean I deleted all social media as a way to block the negativity there. My main source of negativity is my school. I have two weeks left so I shouldn't complain anymore but it has really hit my hard. I swear I've got all the protection I can possibly produce without exhausting my resources completely and it's still not enough. I do a cleanse every day when I come home from school because I don't want that negativity in my space. Check it at the door please! I'm actually working on a sachet for above my door that prevents any negativity from passing under it. Hopefully I don't get blocked out of my own apartment. That would be a fun one to explain. I'd have to sneak in through the window and that has a little stopper on it so I'm not sure that would work either!
So in an effort to be more photographic and use my camera more I have taken a few shots around my apartment:
No, your eyes aren't being weird I blurred out the spell on purpose. |
Recently acquired herbs |
This is my little welcoming owl. It hangs from the lamp right as you enter my apartment. |
Autumn flowers I keep up all year around. |
My bat nightlight that I basically never turn on. Isn't it cute thought? Oh so happy looking too. It gives off an orange light & his little wings flap because they are on springs! |
Witches Cabinet. There's actually nothing in there but a few Ostara baskets and an old food container I was once using as a piggy bank to save up funds for Ireland. It has been drained. :/
The Witch is a decoration my Grams gave me from her Halloween stuff because I liked it and she said she didn't have use for it in her window display.
The "Tied Up" is a door hanger from the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas and that's the only knob it'll fit on. :/ |
I still have my hokey bottle from last Halloween. :) |
Somehow my altar always looks dusty even though it isn't.
Well, minus the incense I burned a few hours before the picture was taken. |
In a few seconds you'll scroll on and see that this little crow makes an appearance in a spell I wrote! |
I love those flowers! |
Hello little Crow! Hello Flower Envelope. If you like it, you can see the blog post where I showed how I made it here. |
Never knock the 99 cent store, I get some herbs from there all the time and for $1 who could be mad at that?
Still have the same black tea from my tea staining tutorial days of the beginning of this blog. :D |
While I was snapping photo's of my altar area - I mentioned to you guys that my altar is an old Kitchen cart I found at a thrift store right? But that I sanded it down, applied a finish to it and used a wood burning tool to carve ivy vines around the top ledge and runes into the legs? I've got photo's of the whole thing. But anyways, while taking pictures I re-discovered my flower press and realized I never showed you guys the flowers I pressed with you earlier this year. So here's, uh, what happened:
This is going to look so pretty on a spell pages. |
So pretty even if the color changed. |
If the flower sticks to the wax paper, which it shouldn't, but if it does gently slide a receipt under it to loosen it. The receipt paper is thin enough and gentle enough to get under the petals and loosen the hold. Then you can simply lift the receipt up and the flower will slide into your hand or onto whatever surface you plan to adhere or store it. |
This is where I store my dried and pressed flowers until I plan to use them. This is an old journal that I write quotes and poetry in and on the blank pages towards the back I store the flowers and petals and such until I plan on using them. |
WHOOPS! The giant beautiful roses I had MOLDED.
:''( |
This is what they looked like before I pressed them - Pretty.
Now? Not so much. :( |
I am currently up my wahzoo in research on how to prevent the flowers from molding in the press. I guess I didn't leave them in a properly ventilated area or something. The little ones didn't mold and I hadn't had that problem before. I did leave these in the press WAY longer. I forgot to write the dates down on these and I obviously forgot about them so perhaps that had something to do with it? The roses were VERY thick however and I thought that might be a problem. Guess what? It was. :( So bummed. Those would have made excellent decoration for my book to leave sandwiched between some pages or even glued to one as a divider or something.
Pelicans are where the air meets water. |
The gentle but fierce sea |
Those three photo's were from my trip to San Diego in May. I stopped off at the Oceanside Pier and took photos of the birds, the surfers, the rocks and of course a few "selfies" with the ocean behind me but the wind made it a bad hair day. *sigh* I really do enjoy the ocean and having lived near it for ten years now I cannot imagine living in-land where there isn't a beach close by. I'd have to live near a creek, a river, a lake or something. There's no way I could be separated from the water for long. Kind of weird for a fire sign to be so attached to water but it calms me, which makes sense if you think about it. ;)
Enjoy the day!