Happy Friday the 13th! Let's Talk About Numerology.

Numerology, what exactly do you know about it? Have you even heard of it? We all have our favorite numbers, especially if we are playing the lotto or have to pick a number for whatever reason. I have two: 9 and 19. Nine, because well I've just always been drawn to it and it is between 1 and 10 but then I'm weird and have a favorite prime number also, which is nineteen. I say weird because most people don't care about or even remember what a prime number actually is and hey, I don't blame you. Math was the worst subject for me and I've forgotten everything I don't need for everyday life on purpose!

Numerology actually has very little to do with math. It uses your basic addition and subtract for certain things but other than that no math involved so don't tune out yet! According to Wikipedia, "Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs." Then it goes into a bunch of jibberish that will make everyone who isn't a mathematician stop reading immediately.

I feel as though a lot of people have neglected numerology in the magical community lately. We pay attention to days of the week, moons, months, specific dates, ect but do not put much stock into numbers unless playing the lottery (and praying that the prosperity spell they just did works so they can splurge on that new cauldron or pay off some of their bills).

I'm going to go over the basics of numerology, how to find "your number" (even if it isn't your favorite number but most often it is) and then a basic chart on what the numbers mean. All the information I am posting is going to come out of "The Book of Spells" by Nicola de Pulford because this was the first book I purchased that even mentioned Numerology or anything in magic that has to do with numbers and is really the only book I own that mentions it. I loved how basic and simple it is and so I've never wanted to dive deeper into it than this. I also have some really nice images I found on pinterest for each number that I'm going to post at the end.

So in order to find your number you will take your real name (NOT your magical name) and add up the numbers to your name. Now how can you add the letters? Well, you don't silly! For every number between 1 and 9 there are certain letters that correspond.

Here are the number-letter correspondence:
  • 1 = a, j, s,
  • 2 = b, t,
  • 3 = c, l, u,
  • 4 = d, m,
  • 5 = e, n, w,
  • 6 = f, o, x,
  • 7 = g, p, y,
  • 8 = h, q, z,
  • 9 = i, r,
So all you are going to do is find the number that each letter falls under and then add them together. I will do one with you guys.

EXAMPLE: If my real name is Jane Austen then my magical number is 8.

Add up your first name so J A N E would be 1 + 1 + 5 + 5. That is 12.
Then you add up the letters of your last name. So A U S T E N  = 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 5. The total is 14.
You add the two totals together and get 26. But because 26 isn't a number 1 thru 9 you split the number into single digits and add those together. So 2 + 6 = 8. If my name is Jane Austen my magical number is 8.

There are two exceptions to "splitting" your double digit total. If your name equals 11 or 22 and the reason that you do not split them is because they "represent a higher level of wisdom."

Well, now that you know what your number is I bet you'd like to find out what that means about you right?  My magical number is 22, which when you get to the meaning kind of bums me out because it isn't as exciting as some of the other explanations.

ONE is the pioneer, the leader, strong-willing and sometimes self-centered person. One is also associated with material wealth, loneliness and isolation.

TWO is the number of passive, receptive people, kind and sensitive but who often get their own way by gentle persuasion. It is also linked to psychic powers.

THREE is a potent lucky number, representing extrovert, creative and witty people. They may be extravagant and unable to persevere at one thing for long.

FOUR is for dependable, loyal, hard-working people who are good organizers. Four people are the guardian angles, fair in all their dealings and often pay a high price for any success they achieve.

FIVE is the number of radical, fast-moving people, curious and impulsive, who hated to be tied down. Five is also the number of sex and can lead to problematic relationships.

SIX is the perfect number and represents harmony, beauty, sincerity and affection. Six people are creative and artistic but they can sometimes be fussy and a little conceited.

SEVEN is the magical number, representing the scholar and the mystic, the dignified and the self-possessed. Seven people may appear aloof as they have difficulty putting their thoughts into words.

EIGHT symbolizes intuition, prosperity and organization.  Solid, strong and fertile, Eight people's success is built on hard work, which can make them seem pessimisitic.

NINE is for intellectuals and idealists. It is a number of great strength, self-discipline and ambition. Nine people may seek the limelight and be jealous or fickle.

ELEVEN is the number of people who are idealists. Eleven people have strong vocation for their work and often suffer for the sake of others. It is also said that 11 represents those who experience revelations.

TWENTY-TWO is said to be the "master" number because it incorporates the supreme qualities and attributes of all the other numbers. There were also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (which numerology is based on).
See why I think being a 22 is boring? It's basically telling me that I am perfect - which I am the very first to say I am not. But being perfect is boring anyways. Who wants to live under that type of pressure? I'd rather be flawed. I personally think I am more of an 11 or a 9, but the 9 is probably my bias because it's my favorite number. The only thing that I wouldn't agree about with the 9 is self-discipline - I have no will power or self-control at all. If I'm on a diet but someone offers me a brownie I basically struggle with whether or not to eat it for less than .5 seconds and before you know it I'm licking my fingers clean and you're wondering if I even bothered to chew.

Does your number explain you at all? Now there are also more "Master Numbers" depending on which book you read, ect. Basically any same-double-digit number is a master number. 11, 22, 33, ect and depending on what you are reading about (Kabbalah, the I-ching, the Pythagorean numerology, the Tarot Arcana of the Eastern faiths, and the Runes of the Viking age) it is all going to mean different things. I've also done a tad bit of research and discovered that depending on who you talk to, the number mean total different things! This is why I gave you the source of where I got this information from because that is important when working with information. Especially in working with magic because most of the knowledge was passed down orally and because of that the information has been misinterpreted, distorted (sometimes maliciously) or improved upon over time.

For example, I found all of the following images on Pinterest (I love pinterest) on Bill Robinson's Numerology board and they give a bunch of information in a very simple way and do not use master numbers.

Don't those look like something that would be found in a really old Grimoire? I hope you learned something from this post, even if it was one tiny little thing I feel it is important to expand your mind. I try to learn one new thing every single day. If I don't I feel like my day was a waste and I hate to waste time. There are many people who do not have much time left and for the rest of us it is a guessing game as to when our time is up. I want to make sure that my time, no matter how much or how little I have left is spent wisely and to me learning something new every day is a surefire way to prevent wasting my time. I hope that make sense. It is getting late, this blog is getting long. Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Blessed Be )O(


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