Samhain is approaching!

With Mabon now passed it is on to the most celebrated of our holiday's: SAMHAIN!
Who else is excited for the New Year? I get ready with these lovely craft supplies that are only a dollar right now!

This has always been my favorite holiday. Not just for the candy or the dressing up, even though I loved that as a child too but for the spirit of it. It's one of the only holidays where you are genuinely happy. Yes, the other times are happy times but for me it's freedom and expression. I have always liked these things, the darker and creepier things (minus the magick. That is the one dark thing I am NOT into or even curious about. I know better than to mess around with those things). Halloween or Samhain are the only times where I can be free to express myself wholly. I love it.

Our time is approaching, time to have some fun.


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