
Here is a listing of scents, alphabetically and their usages.
Acacia: Used as a holy oil, to anoint altars, incense burners & candles
Almond: Said to attract money & good fortune when added to incense
Allspice: Rubbed on the feet & chest, this is to add strength to one's will power
Ambergris: Very popular as a protection against evil & ill luck
Ambrosia: said to turn a shy or timid lover into an aggressive tiger
Angelica: A peace oil. Said to attract friends & popularity
Anise: To increase clairvoyant abilities
Apple: Rub on the body to attract peace of mind, contentment & happiness
Apricot: used love oil to heighten passion & bind lovers together
Aster: soothes ruffled feelings & calms tensions
Avocado:  Lore says this will bring one happiness, wealth & long life
Azalea: Wear to magnetize others to you

Banana: To excite great passion in another
Bay: If used on the body, it is said to purify the soul
Bayberry: Brings money to the pockets and blessings to the home
Benzoin: Add to any incense to heighten its effectiveness & for cleansing & purifying
Bergamot:  wear on the palm of each hand to protect from all harm
Blackberry: Apply to all seals, talismans, charms & candles for good luck
Blue Bonnet: A gamblers favorite to bring luck

Calamus: To get another to do your bidding, rub some on your palms & touch the person
Camphor: Add to controlling incenses to bring quick power to them
Carnation: Used for gambling luck
Cedar: Anoint a Seal of Long Life to protect you from misery & misfortune
Chamomile: Worn by the daring to incite sexual feelings & attract attention
Cherry: Add to the bath to cause one to be cheerful & good humored
enticing oil designed to soften the hearts of foes

Chrysanthemum: To increase ones strength
Cinnamon: Used for good luck, money-drawing, fast action & love
Citronella: Attracts friends to the home & customers to a place of business
Civet: Rub on the hands for protection & apply beneath the breasts as a love drawing
Clove: Acts as an aphrodisiac when applied to the base of the neck and on the thighs
Clover: Place on a lover or spouse’s pillow to ensure faithfulness
Coconut: Anoint on a fast luck candle for luck in a hurry
Coffee: Has healing properties when added to the bath water
Cucumber: Takes away rowdiness & unruliness when rubbed on anyone acting "ugly"
Cypress: Brings calm & tranquility in stubborn cases. Used by parents of willful children

Dill: Crossing oil that is believed to cause great distress if rubbed on a person
Dogwood: Rub on the outside of doorknobs so that evil will not be able to enter

Eucalyptus: Believed to be strong healing oil
Evergreen: Used by ladies to stimulate a man or by men as a nature-builder

Frangipani: An attraction oil, can cause others to tell you their secrets
Frankincense: A sacred oil for anointing objects & to bring many blessings

Gardenia: Protective oil which will stop other from creating strife in your life
Geranium: Said to act as a hex breaker. Good when used with a "Blockbuster" candle
Ginger: Adds spice to one's relationship when applied behind the ears & knees.  This oil is used for gaining popularity & for money drawing

Heather: Anoint your purse or wallet with this daily so you will never be without money
Heliotrope: Protects you from physical harm & at the same time, attracts wealth
*Hemlock: Used to arouse jealousy between people
Hibiscus: Anoint the temples to draw wisdom & better concentration
Holly berry: For women who wish to be treated royally by their lovers
Honey: Is recognized as having seductive, enticing qualities
Honeysuckle: Anoint on the temples before a test to help you pass
Hyacinth: Attracts love & luck when used in the bath water daily
Hyssop: A holy oil, dress all candles with this before you use them & add to bath water

Iris: Reputed to make the wearer very attractive, good oil to use when going dancing

Jasmine: A powerful love oil, used to bind someone to you
Juniper: Worn to acquire wishes, honors & glory

Lavender: To promote peace in the home ,add to mop water & to stop gossip
Leather: Worn to draw friendship & helps to heal the sick when applied & Psalm 146 read
Lemon: Used by healers to in aid in calling the spirits, also for protection of the home
Lemongrass: Said to be very soothing & quieting to the nerves
Lilac: Anoint the back of the neck to improve the memory & draw health & long life
Lily: A quieting agent ,used on the forehead of someone who is emotionally upset
Lime: Add 3 drops to controlling incense & burn once a week to keep your mate faithful & loyal
Lotus: Worn by women to make a man lose with his money
Magnolia: Recommended as an aid in psychic development when applied to the head
Melon: Arouses passions, adds strength, energy & virility in men
Mimosa: said to bring dreams & coming events to you when used on the body prior to sleep
Mistletoe: For attracting customers, developing business when used in your place of business
Morning Glory: Used to protect you when traveling & in the home when sprinkles
Musk: A love oil whose scent is used to arouse ones passion & heighten sexual pleasure
Myrrh: A powerful guard against any evil directed toward one
Myrtle: Attract love, Money & good fortune
Narcissus: Used for peaceful sleep and to ward off nightmares when dabbed on your pillow
Nutmeg: Used for removing a jinx from someone-add to bathwater. Also used for luck drawing

Orange: Highly magnetic oil used to bring on a proposal of marriage
Orchid: Aids memory helps one to focus their thoughts on the job or problem at hands
Orris: One of the most potent of love oils. Is thought to work where all others have failed

Papaya: Promotes the good things in life, comfort, good health & friendship etc..
Passion Flower: Used for tranquility & peace of mind, soothes the nerves
Patchouli: Regarded as an aphrodisiac with magickal powers
Peach: Apply to yourself or sprinkle in the home to bring quiet and tranquility to your life
Pennyroyal: Used to remove evil & jinx from the home when sprinkled about the premises
Peony: A lucky oil for those who need customers, business success & good fortune in all endeavors
Peppermint: Add spice to your life & pep to your body
Petunia: Used to help get a loan or when applying for credit, anoint the application
Pine: A cleansing, purifying scent used in the bath to erase past mistakes & sins and let one start over
Pineapple: To draw back a lover , anoint a Come to Me candle & place your request under the candle

Raspberry: Used by pregnant women for a successful pregnancy
Rose: A gentle love oil used to attract affection & love
Rosemary: A highly respected healing oil used to heal the pain of heartache & heartsickness
Rue(Ruda): Worn to protect one from hexes set out by others

Sage: Used for all those who wish to foresee the future, rub on the forehead before rite.
Sandalwood: Powerful healing oil also thought to increase clairvoyant powers
Sassafras: When sprinkled about the court it is said to bring about a favorable decision
Snake Root: Helps to win the most difficult of court cases when rubbed on palms prior to court
Spearmint: A protective oil which keeps one's home & self safe from attack, danger & intruders
Spikenard: Used to anoint the alter , consecrate incense burners & to purify the premises
Strawberry: Use as an attraction oil ,to draw good fortune
Sweet Grass: Lifts the spirits & softens sad memories so that one can move on
Sweet Pea: Attracts loyalty & affection when used daily on the wrists, forearms & back of knees

Tangerine: Adds strength & go power to all ritual incense & baths
Tonka: For luck, Love & longevity. Use in the bath.
Tulip: Protects one from accidents so that a long life is assured

Vanilla: Added to floor wash to bring happiness to the premises, and good fortune
Van Van: Anoint charms, seals, talismans with it to increase their power. For uncrossing add to bathwater
Verbena: To remove curses put on you, for protection
Vetivert: Overcomes any spell that may be put upon you
Violet: Very strong love oil, use in bath daily to bring marital peace & happiness

Watermelon: Adds extra strength that may be needed from time to time when applied after bath
Wintergreen: Use a few drops in bathwater to keep or induce good health
Wisteria: Add to mop water to attract good fortune & prosperity

Ylang Ylang: Used to draw attention to oneself, but also of value when seeking employment


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