
I have compiled a working list of herbs their magical uses (and other fascinating tid-bits) and placed them in alphabetical order in a chart for informational purposes.

As a general rule DO NOT consume anything if you are unsure of whether or not it is safe to consume. All herbs that are toxic in some form are marked as such in MAROON. For example Belladonna is not safe to even touch let alone be ingested. Please use caution in all things as it is better to be safe than sorry.

SEE Wolfsbane.
Can be used in charms or spells for good luck, protection, wisdom, & personal power. Sacred to Druids & can be used at the tip of wands.
Adder's Tongue
This herb can be used in spells & charms to stop gossip & slander or to promote healing.
It is used in protection spells. It can also be used to reverse spells sent against you. It can also be used in “sleep” sachets that you place under your pillow to allow you a restful sleep.
Used for protection spells & divination. Associated with music & weather magic.
Used in spells involving prosperity, money & to ward off hunger.
All Spice  
This herb promotes determination & energy. It is also used in spells & charms that involve money, luck & healing. Can be used to create a healing herbal bath.
Associated with wisdom, money, fruitfulness, & prosperity. It can be used in spells & charms or burned as incense to attract abundance.  Be careful to specify what type of abundance you are seeking.
Used for protection & luck. It can be hung in the home as a charm to attract luck & protection for those who live there. It can also be grown in pots & placed around the home to provide protection from accidents within the home.  
Used for protection from harm & success. Helps to clear the mind & bring prosperity. Burn as an incense to transform the ambient negative energy to positive energy.
Protection & healing.
Excellent for protection against negative energy. It can also be used in healing, exorcism incenses, purification & uncrossing spells & can be used in herbal baths for the purpose of removing curses, hexes, or spells. Sprinkle around the outside of your home for protection of the home.
Use in a sleep pillow to prevent disturbing dreams. A good herb to add to purification baths.
Can be used in protection & meditation incenses.
Tradition is to leave two apples in the woods when you are finished hunting as an offering to the Horned God.
Apple wood is also used in the making of wands to be used when doing rituals dealing with the underworld.
Apple cider can be substituted for spells/rituals that require blood or wine.  
An excellent herb that is used in salves for the healing of bruises & sprains. It can be applied to where there is pain &/or inflammation of the skin.
Bachelor Buttons
Use in Love charms/spells.
It is used for exorcism, protection & love potions. Sprinkled around the house to ward off evil/negative spirits.
A gift of Basil given to someone moving into a new home will bring them good luck.
Bay Leaf
This herb is used for protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing & divination.
It is traditional to write wishes on the leaves & then burn them to make them come true.
 Can be used in charms that when placed under the pillow will induce prophetic dreams. Place a leaf in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there.
Carry bay leaf or use in a protection charm to protect yourself against magical attack.
Brings good fortune, luck, healing, & relief from stress.  
Used for making candles, natural polish, protective finish for things such as wooden wands, & used in herbal salves to thicken.
Deadly - Handle with care (use gloves) - DO NOT INGEST.
Caution should be taken when handling because it can be absorbed through the skin. Its uses include astral projection & protection spells. It can be used in flying ointment to achieve altered states of mind. It is not recommended though because people have died using this herb. Even some who were quite familiar with its use.
A resin used for purifying, for success, meditation, & stress reduction. It can be used alone as an incense or as a binder in making incense. It works well as a fixative in the blending of other resins together. It enhances the scent of other resins when mixed in. A must when making incenses that use resins.
Used in spells & charms involving money, prosperity, protection, stopping outside interference, & promoting restful sleep.
Black Pepper
Used in spells & charms that banishes negativity & protection from evil. Also used in exorcism.
Another name for powdered sulfur. Used in spells & charms that dispels or prevents a curse/hex. Can be used to remove an enemy's power over you.
A good herb for divination. It can be used in spells & charms to bring good luck & attracting money & wealth. Used in Hoodoo as a charm for gamblers.
Used for protection & banishing. It can be mixed with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden for protection of the home. Best to place in all directions of the to ensure full protection. It’s needles, instead of whole plant, can be used in spells/charms for protection.
Can be used in healing & protection.
Used for money spells & charms.
An herb sacred to Bast. Effective when used in rituals involving cats or cat deities. It can be used with other herbs in love spells & charms. If grown near the home it will attract positive spirits. It can be used in charms to bring good luck.
Use in spells & charms to promote strength, money, protection, healing & purification.
Use on spells & charms to bring love, healing, & reduction of stress. Sprinkle around the house for protection & to dispel curses. Burn as incense for
de-stressing & meditation. Make into a tea & drink for a restful sleep. Used for luck in gambling & to attract wealth.  
Cherry Bark/Wood
Used in lust spells. Can also be burned as an incense to aid in divination.
Chili Pepper
Use in spells & charms to promote fidelity & love. Use to “spice” or “heat up” a relationship. It can also be used in spells to break curses/hexes.
Place them around the house to break negative spells placed on you or those in the home.
Used for protection & weight loss. Mix in food with magical intent to promote weight loss or protect those who eat the food.
Protection. Grow in the garden for protection of the home. White is the best color of flower for this, but any color will do.  
Use in spells & charms to draw money & prosperity. Also used to raise spirituality & promote healing, success, protection & luck.
Can be burned & an incense to promote protection, wealth & raise spirituality.
Burn or use in charm to protect & cleanses the aura. Use in charms & spells to encourages creativity & clear the mind. Also used to repel insects.
Used in spells & charms for protection, love, money, & exorcism.
Use in spells & charms to promote fidelity, money, love, & success. Also used for protection. Used in the consecration of ritual tools.
Place around the home to drive away negative spirits.
Used to cleanse the aura. Use in spells, charm or incense for protection, banishing negative spirits energy & to stop gossip. Burn as an incense to purify an area. Also used in exorcisms.
Use in spells & charms for wealth, prosperity, visions & love.
Use in charms for safety & protection while traveling. Use the root of the herb for money spells & incenses.
Used in incense for purification, consecration, contact with other planes, exorcism. Can be used in charms & spells for the same as listed for incense.
Hang in the home for protection. Burn cypress wood to lessen the grief of death or to aid in divination. Carry as a charm at funerals to ease the mind & lessen grief.
Love, fertility & luck. Keep in the home or altar to keep negative energy away.
Use in spells & charms for lust, love & luck. This flower is associated with babies & newborns. Use in baby blessings. Place in babies room for protection. Wear or carry to draw romance.
Dandelion Leaf
Not just a weed. Used in summoning spirits, healing, purification & defeating curses or negativity.
Dandelion Root
Used for divination & calling spirits. Use in dream pillows for sleep protection.
Dragon's Blood
Used for protection, increasing potency in magical works & purification. Burn as an incense to increase the potency of spellwork. It is excellent in banishing & exorcism.  
Used to add power to charms, spells & incenses. Can be used as an offering to spirits.
Epsom Salt
Typically it is the salt used in ritual baths & bath salt recipes. Add a small amount to cauldron water to keep smoke down.
Great for protection & healing. Can also be used to purify any space. Can be used to fill healing poppets or charms
Fennel Seed
Use in spells & charms for protection, healing, & purification.
Fern Leaf
Dispels negativity & promotes mental clarity. Can be used to cleanse & purify a space. Put in a room where you need a clear mind to think, such as an office.
Plant near house or in the garden for home protection. Used in spellwork/ritual to contact the underworld.
A resin. Often combined with myrrh to make a temple incense. Used for protection, cleansing & purification. Burn as incense for protective work, consecration, & meditation.
Promotes peace & healing. Use its dried flowers with other healing herbs to bring comfort to one who is ill. Place potted flowers in room to promote a peaceful energy.
Used to invoke Hecate. Uses include healing, protection, exorcism & purification. Can be used to guard against negative energy, harmful magic, spirits & jealousy of others.
Adds to the strength & speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Use in charms to promote protection & good health.
Used in magic workings of love, beauty, protection, healing & lust.
Used in healing rituals, money spells, & spells to bring success. Use in other spells & charms to increase the power.
Gum Arabic
Use for protection, psychic & spiritual enhancement.  Use as part of incense mixture burned during meditation. Use to consecrate boxes that hold ritual tools.
Used in spells & charms for protection & luck.
Used in spells & charms to attract love & lust. Used for divination & to promote dreams.
Used in spells & charms for protection, love, lust & legal matters.
High John
Often called the “all purpose” herb. It is used for strength, obtaining success, victory in any situation, gambling, luck, money, health, love & protection. Great for use in ritual work focused on prosperity.
Used as decoration during Yule. Used to promote a stable marriage, love, luck & dreams. Plant outside the home for protection.
Used in spells & charms to increase the flow of money & wealth. Grow near the home to promote success of those who live there.
Used in spells & charms to draw money, success & wealth of material objects.
Symbolizes homosexual love. Used to attack love, luck & good fortune.
Used in spells & rituals for hex-breaking, attracting love, promotion of fidelity & to bind.
Used for purification. Used to consecrate ritual tools & items made of tin. Steep in water to use for the physical cleaning of altar, ritual tools, temple room & ritual bath. Can be made into charms to clear negativity & evil spirits from a home.
Used in protection, healing, love & fertility. Hang an ivy plant by the front door to protect from negative influence & to discourage unwanted guests.
Use in charms or burn the flowers to draw wealth & money: in dream pillows for restful sleep or burn as an incense in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams
Burn as incense for protection from harmful magic. Can be used to banish all things detrimental to good health. Can be carried as a charm to promote potency in men &/or attract love.
Used for protection & love. If worn by a bride it is said to guarantee a long & happy marriage.
Used for protection, healing, love, sleep, purification, & peace. Great addition to
sleep pillows & bath spells.
Used for cleansing. Squeeze a lemon in water to make a washing mixture to remove negative energy from ritual tools & altar.
Lemon Balm
Use in spells & charms for love, healing & success.
Used for wisdom & good luck.
Used in spells/charms/rituals for fertility, renewal, marriage, happiness, & prosperity.
Lily of the Valley
Repels negative energy. Can be used in rituals or spells to stop harassment. Can be used to promote longevity in marriage.  * Poisonous*
Used for protection. Used in magic for purification & to promote peace of mind.
Used in magic for love & protection.
Used for protection & exorcising evil. Use in charms & spells to promote prosperity & fertility. *Poisonous*
Used in magic to bring love & good luck. Use in spells & charms to bring money &/or wealth.
Can be used to aid in prophesy, legal matters, love, dreams & business or legal affairs. Fresh marigolds will cleanse & disperse negative energy in a room they are placed in.
Used for cleansing, purification, & the dispelling of negative energy. Can be used in charms or sleep satchels placed under pillow to bring pleasant dreams.
Marshmallow Root
Used for protection & to enhance psychic powers. It can be burned as incense for protection & to enhance & stimulate psychic abilities. Place some on your altar during ritual to draw in positive spirits.
This herb promotes energy, communication & vitality. Place in the home for protection. Do not plant directly into ground, keep in a pot.
Used in fertility spells & charms. Can be used as a protection charm from negative energy or curses.  Use as a charm for luck while hunting.
*Use with caution - Poisonous*
SEE Wolfsbane
Morning Glory
Used for binding &/or banishing spells & rituals. Can be used to bring people or
objects towards you. Use the vine to wrap around a poppet to bind someone.
* Poisonous, do not consume*
Use in charms that are carried to increase lust & fertility. Can be used in healing charms to cure illness.
* Use in well ventilated room*
Used in charms that protect from nightmares & negative magic. Can be used in the invoking of spirits. Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares. Use in charms to help attract love from the opposite sex. Can be used in place of graveyard dirt in
Promotes spirituality, meditation, & healing. Will enhance any magical working. Increases the effectiveness of any incense blend it is added to. Often burned with frankincense as temple incense.
Use in charms to attract love & true friendship.
Stuff in a poppet used to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Used in dispelling of fear & negativity. Sprinkle around the home to drive away negative energy or negative spirits.
Used in magical workings to attract money, prosperity, luck. Also used in spells & charms for protection & breaking hexes. Can also be used in a good luck charm.
Used to bring happiness, strength, vitality, & additional energy.
Orris Root (cut)
Used to aid in communication & helps to open dialogs with others. Can be used in herbal baths for personal protection.
Orris Root (powder)
Referred to as 'Love Drawing Powder' in voodoo. Used in spells & charms to bring love, romance & mates. Can be used as an herbal bath to attract love.
Osha Root
Used in charms & spells to protect against negative &/or evil spirits
Can be used in love charms or love magic.
Used in male sex magic.
Used in spells, sachets, baths & mixtures to bring money or love. Can be used in charms or incense to promote fertility. Burn as incense at your place of business to promote growth of the business.
Used to protect from hexes. Brings good luck, good fortune, & prosperity. Hang in the home or plant near home for protection. Known as a flower that will attract faeries. The flowers & petals have the positive qualities listed; however, the seed is
called a 'Jumby Bean' & is used in spells for promoting dissension & strife.
Used in spells & incense for healing & purification. Place in a sleep pillow to ensure restful sleep. Burn as incense when moving into a new home to clear out sickness & negative energy from previous owners.
Sacred to Aphrodite. Use in rituals to aid in fertility.
Used in charms & spells to promote fertility, prosperity, love & abundance.  
Poppy Seeds
Used to bring love & luck. A popular ingredient used in food magic. Use in a sleep
satchel to bring relief from insomnia.
Used in spells to promotes the disclosure of secrets & to reveal the truth.
Discourages dishonesty & secrecy.
Rose Buds
Used in magic that bring divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness,
& lasting relationships.
Rose Geranium
Turns away negativity that comes in the form of gossip or false accusations.
Rose Hips
Used in healing spells/charms & mixtures. Use in charms to bring good luck. Use in ritual to calls in good spirits.
Associated with the Faye. Can be used in healing poppet for good health. Used in love/lust spells. Can be used in herbal baths for purification. Burn as an incense to remove negative energy & purification.
Used in magic for healing, health, removal & protection against the evil eye. Use as an aspergillum to dispense salt water for purification of the circle or removing negativity from a place. Burn as an incense or use in poppet to prevent illness or speed recovery. Add to herbal baths to break hexes & curses that have been placed on you.
Used as an aphrodisiac & for magic involving love, healing, happiness, lust & strength. Often used in love magic, healing spells, & weather control. Can hang sachets of saffron in your home to bring good luck.
Burn for self purification & the purification of an area or ritual space. Bundle dry leaves or loose leaves to banish negativity & negative spirits from an area or home. Used in healing charms & incense. Removes negative energy.
Salt Peter
Highly combustible. It is used in charcoal tablets to help ignite them. It is what sparks when they are lit. Used to keep male lovers from straying. Also used for exorcisms & other purification rites.
Used to clear negativity from a home by sprinkling it around the property. Use as an incense during protection, healing, & exorcism spells or during meditation. The wood can be used to make healing wands.
Sea Salt
Most kosher salt is sea salt. Represents earth on the altar. Used for cleansing, purification, grounding, protection magic & ritual. Used with water for aspersing, consecration & casting circles.
Used in sleep pillows for relaxation & peaceful sleep. Used in rituals as incense to bind oaths & consecrate vows. Used in baths to cleanse yourself of tensions & stress. Burned to diffuse disharmony & disruptive situations.  
*DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT* Can induce a miscarriage.
Snapdragon Flower
Used for protection, exorcism, & purification
Solomon's Seal Root
Used for protection, exorcism & cleansing. Used to drive away evil/negative spirits.
Used in magic for healing, love & protection while sleeping.
St. John's Wort
Use in charms to prevent colds & fevers. Used to protect against all forms of negative magic used against you. Use in charms to protect against evil spirits.  Burn to drive away evil/negative spirits.  *Poisonous*
Sulfur (powder)
Used to dispel or prevent a curse on you. It destroys an enemy's power over you.
Used in spells & charms to attract loyalty, affection, & the good opinion of others. Burn as an incense or use in charms & hang in the home for banishing
& purification of the home. Bring into the home to attract good health for all occupants. Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares & facilitate a night of
restful sleep.
Used in spells & charms for love & protection. It can be used to purify sacred space. Used as a substitution for graveyard dirt in spells. Add to herbal baths for protection.
Venus Flytrap
Used for love & protection magic. Having a Venus Flytrap in the home aids in protection of the home.
Used in spells & charms for protection, purification, money, healing, & restful sleep. Can be used in prosperity spells. Add to herbal baths for cleansing. All purpose protection herb for places & people.
White Sage
Use for smudging or for purification.
White Willow Bark
Used to guard against negativity & negative spirits. Can be used in healing spells.
It is associated with the element of water. Used in magic for protection, divination, inspiration, healing, fertility, love, grief & death. In fact, anything that has to do with the element of water. Can be made into wands that are used for intuition,
dreams, visions & inspired writing or images.
(Also called Aconite or Monkshood) Used in charms to protect from evil. 6nly the flowers are used because the roots give off fumes during the drying process. Good for misdirecting enemies. Used to make a wash for ritual tools & space.   
*Poisonous, do not consume*
Used in magic & charms to remove anger, inhibit violent acts, & for protection from curses. Use as incense for clairvoyance, enhance divinatory abilities or to summon spirits. Can be used in spells to bring them strife & misfortune.
*Poisonous, do not consume*
Xanthan Gum
Used as an incense bonding agent.
Yarrow Flower
Used in magic & ritual for healing, hand-fasting & divination. Used in spells & charms to draws love. Used to banish negativity & promote peaceful relations especially between married couples.  
Used in breaking curses, raising the dead & protection against evil spirits.
Used in spells & charms for protection & purification. Used to curses, hexes or illness.


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